After the news of Lazaros Nalpantidis succeeding Peter Hasle as Section Head in Copenhagen, the two committees need a small reorganization.
AMiU/Working Environment Committee
Lazaros Nalpantidis will take Peter Hasle’s place in AMiU as management representative, which leaves Lazaros’ current position open as Working Environment Representative in CPH.
By uncontested election, Anders Paarup Nielsen is elected until next AMiU-election later this year.
Welcome, Anders Paarup Nielsen.
SU/Joint consultative committee
Due to his new position, Lazaros Nalpantidis cannot continue as employee representative (IDA).
Matteo Fumagalli will take over his seat.
Welcome, Matteo Fumagalli.
Read more about department’s SU and AMiU.
The changes are proved by Kjeld Pedersen.