NEW DEADLINE: 15 October 2018
Find more informaiton about the Book Prize "Call of the Owl" (pdf).
Læs mere om Bogprisen "Call of the Owl" (pdf).
Do you have a good idea for a book that introduces or elaborates on important, overlooked elements in PBL? Then, possibly in collaboration with some your colleagues, you could win a grant to realise your idea for a new PBL book.
Last modified: 27.09.2018
Find more informaiton about the Book Prize "Call of the Owl" (pdf).
Læs mere om Bogprisen "Call of the Owl" (pdf).
Nyt fra Kontraktenheden / AAU Innovation: Under navnet ’GDP-Hvad?’ kan alle AAU’s ansatte og studerende nu finde et nyt univers for vejledning og ressourcer til at løse deres opgaver inden for GDPR.
Not every day, but up to 20% of the time. Check out the schedule to see witch days we are at the office and which days we still work from home.
As from of September 2021 one of our study programmes, Entrepreneurial Engineering, will be transferred to AAU Business School.
Did you miss the staff meeting or do you wish to revisit the presentations and materials from the meeting?
April 1 2021 we celebrated the 40th anniversary of Kjeld Pedersen. 40 years in the service of the state – 19 of them as Head of Department. Well done!
Contact AAU
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7KAalborg University
P.O. Box 159
DK-9100 Aalborg
Phone: +45 9940 9940
CVRnr: 29102384
Eannr: EAN