Department Principles

Booking of Equipment at Department of Materials and Production for employees and students

Equipment at our Department of Materials and Production is bookable for employees and students, but please note that if you are booking equipment on a externally financed project or on behalf of companies, please contact Mette Herold-Jensen ( before booking.

At FIB most equipment is bookable – but prior to booking it is a requirement that you have:

1. received instruction/training in the use of the equipment

2. have obtained a work permit (signed by supervisor)

At SKJ it is possible to book the equipment in the Cleanroom* – prior to booking it is a requirement that you have:

1. received access training for Cleanroom

2. received instruction/training in the use of equipment

3. received confirmation that your booking has been approved

*most equipment e.g. at Physics labs and Biohysics lab is not yet available through the booking system

Instruction on how to book

Computer glasses

If you don't experience constant eye strain or you don't have a problem with your vision while at a computer, then computer glasses may not be for you. However, if you are constantly experiencing eye strain then computer glasses may be exactly what you need.

The department pays for computer glasses for employees if they are necessary with regard to carrying out a job.

The department only pays if a purchase is approved beforehand, and if the computer glasses are bought from the shop 'Louis Nielsen'.

Read about how AAU can support: (DK)

Department vehicles

MP has three cars which can be lent: a Mercedes Benz B180, a Renault Megane and a Peugeot 207. 

If you want to lent one of the cars, please send an email to Please note the date of lenting and your phone number. 

For dispensing of keys, please go to Fibigerstræde 14, room 2.6, and bring af filled written requisition to receive the keys.

In case of emergency, please contact 9940 8971/8973/8944. 


written requisition



MP has two ladies' bicycles and two men's bicycles that can be lent by employees, for instance employees in a fixed-term employment.

For lenting of the bicycles, please go to Fibigerstræde 14, room 2.6.


Registration of holidays is done by Christine Steenberg Pedersen. Contact regarding holidays:

Holidays 2017-2018

General holidays at AAU.


What to do if you...

...are being exposed to violence?

...are conducting violence?

 ...are colleague to one who is being exposed to violence?


Sexual Harassment

What to do if you...

...are being exposed to sexual harassment?

...are conducting sexual harassment?

 ...are colleague to one who is being exposed to sexual harassment?



What to do if you...

...are being bullied?

...are bullying?

 ...are colleague to one who are being bullied?




On your first sick day, you must notify the Department by sending an email to

When notifying the Department, you may ask for your message to be passed on to those of your colleagues who might need this information.

If you are off sick for a continuous period of more than 30 days, the municipal authorities will send you a number of letters and forms to fill out. You will receive these in your e-Boks/Digital Post. It is therefore essential that you check your e-Boks or your Digital Post via on a regular basis during a period of long-term sickness, and that you fill out and return the forms requested by the municipal authorities. If you fail to do so, the University will not receive any sick pay reimbursement during your sickness absence.  


When you are fit to return to work, please send an email to providing information on the date of your last sick day. It is very important that you remember to report fit for work once you return; otherwise, no end date will be registered to your sickness absence, and the municipal authorities may become involved (see above).

The same rules apply to absence due to a child’s first and second sick days, sickness absence included in a section 56 agreement, pregnancy-related sickness and work-related injury (please note that further documentation will be required for the latter three types of absence).


For further information on sickness absence, please refer to the AAU Handbook: Sickness absence at Aalborg University