The purpose of the courses is to inform you of areas within IT-security and GDPR-law in which you, other users and AAU as an organisation could be violated.
Each course has a duration of 5-7 minutes and consists largely of a short video, a quiz and a set of slides with facts that sum up the topic of the course.
For each new course in Moodle, you will receive a link to the course in the newsletter ‘Inside MP News’. In Moodle all courses are placed alongside each other. In this way you can keep track of your attended/unattended courses and also attend them again if needed.
The courses are mandatory for all staff members. Should you have any questions concerning these courses, contact management.
If you have difficulties getting access to the course in Moodle, contact (with the topic ‘Moodle IT-security’) or call 99 40 20 20.