International colleagues

English courses at Aalborg University

see the AAU Language Resource Centre

Danish courses at Aalborg Language School

If you want to join a Danish course in Aalborg, you must participate in an information meeting at:
Jobcenter Aalborg (Integration)
Kastetvej 26, 1st floor, room 7
9000 Aalborg

You can join a meeting every Tuesday at 9.30 or every Thursday at 15.15. The meeting is held in English.
The courses are free of charge.

Please note:
Some courses are held in the evenings specifically for Ph.D. students at Aalborg University and students from University College North Jutland.

See Aalborg Language School


Registration of holidays is done by Christine Steenberg Pedersen. Contact regarding holidays:

Holidays 2017-2018

General holidays at AAU.