The Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI)
The purpose of the Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) is to reflect the universities' research activity by measuring the number of publications. The bibliometric research indicator rewards the research publications that are published in the most recognised journals within the scientific fields. This means that it must take into account all disciplines and their different publishing traditions.
The Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator was launched in 2009 and is based on the political agreement on the allocation of new base funding for universities. Since 2012, when the bibliometric research indicator had been fully phased in, the model distributes 25% of the new basic funding.
Authority Lists
All publications are divided into so-called authority lists of series (conference series, book series and journals) and publishers. Lists are drawn up and audited annually by well over 350 researchers spread across 67 disciplines. First, they pick out all of the important series within their field of study. Then they divide the series into two levels: the normal level 1 and the high level 2. Publishing in level 2 series earns more points than publishing in level 1 series.
The Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) is part of the performance-based model for the distribution of new base funding for universities in Denmark.
Please see authority lists here.